Neonatology offers comprehensive neonatal diagnostic and treatment facilities for critically ill new-born babies. It’s also a multidisciplinary research unit, dedicated to providing the highest quality care for all new-born babies, ranging from healthy neonates to sick or premature new-borns that require close observation or intensive care. NICU at Zulekha Hospital Sharjah is now upgraded to level 3 facilities. We accept premature babies from 25 weeks onwards.

NICU (New-born Intensive Care Unit) is one of our coveted commitments to helping and caring for new life. Not only do we employ the latest in medicine and technology, we use a caring touch to give infants in our charge the best care possible.

Zulekha Hospital is proud to be able to offer world-class neonatal care in the UAE. At Zulekha Group, parents can visit more frequently and stay closer to their child. This opportunity to participate in the care of their infant not only helps with the bonding process, but also gives parents a greater sense of control over the care of their infant. Outstanding and highly committed experts trained in specialized infant care are available 24 hours, 7 days a week, to treat babies requiring care in our NICU. These Neonatologists work closely with your baby’s doctor, supported by Paediatric specialists in Cardiology and Gastroenterology. Our NICU interdisciplinary team includes Neonatologists; Neonatal Nurses, Dieticians and Pharmacists. We also have a transport team at the ready that facilitates speedy transfer to higher level of intensive care.

Treatment of New born babies with the following problems

  • Prematurity
  • Low birth weight
  • Hyaline membrane disease
  • Congenital pneumonia
  • Persistent pulmonary hypertension
  • Respiratory distress
  • Birth asphyxia
  • Sepsis
  • Necrotizing enterocoloitis
  • Neonatal seizures
  • Bleeding neonate
  • New-borns with anaemia
  • New-borns with Polycythaemia
  • Neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy or exchange transfusion

Facilities provided

  • Ventilation including conventional high frequency and nitric oxide.
  • Surfactant administration
  • Double volume exchange transfusion
  • Single volume exchange transfusion
  • Invasive blood pressure monitoring
  • Invasive CVPM monitoring
  • Central long line
  • Total parental nutrition
  • Managing babies with shock
  • Neurological assessment and proper follow ups for development
  • New- born metabolic screen
  • New- born hearing & cardiac screen

Department Doctors